

Mastering Ethical AI

4 out of 5
6 reviews

Module 1: Clarity in AI: Introducing Transparency and Explainability (Module 1 of 3)

In Module 1, we lay the foundation for understanding the principles of transparency and explainability in AI systems. As AI evolves, retaining human clarity and oversight is crucial. We delve into the core concepts of transparency and explainability, exploring their importance in upholding accountability and trust in AI. From revealing hidden algorithmic aspects to enabling AI to communicate its internal logic, this module sets the stage for responsible AI development.

Module 2: Understanding AI Bias: Recognizing Bias in AI and Why It Matters (Module 2 of 3)

Module 2 delves deep into the intricate world of AI bias. We explore how bias can infiltrate AI systems through various channels, from historical datasets to biased human creators. Real-world impacts of unchecked bias in AI systems are examined, shedding light on how it affects critical areas such as finance, healthcare, criminal justice, and workplace equality. Learn how to scrutinize the AI pipeline, promote diversity in AI development, and advocate for transparency and accountability to mitigate bias effectively.

Module 3: Real-World Scenarios: Exploring Ethical AI in Action (Module 3 of 3)

In Module 3, we bring AI ethics to life through compelling case studies. By examining fictional scenarios in healthcare, media, and law enforcement, we illuminate the complex ethical questions that AI deployments can pose. Discover the nuances of ethical decision-making in real-world AI applications, and learn how to anticipate and mitigate harms. This module empowers you to apply ethical principles to practical AI scenarios effectively.

Main Features

  • Ethical Competence: Develop a deep understanding of ethical considerations in AI and become adept at identifying, addressing, and preventing ethical challenges.
  • Practical Application: Explore real-world case studies to gain hands-on experience in applying ethical principles to AI scenarios.
  • Responsibility: Learn how to foster a culture of responsibility, transparency, and inclusivity in AI development and deployment.
  • Career Enhancement: Enhance your AI career prospects by aligning your work with ethical values and promoting responsible AI practices.

What is the target audience?

  • This course is designed for professionals, students, and anyone interested in AI, ethics, and the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies. Whether you’re a data scientist, developer, policymaker, or simply curious about AI’s ethical dimensions, this course offers valuable insights and practical guidance.


Mastering Ethical AI
Building the foundation for responsible AI


Understanding AI Bias: Recognizing bias in AI and why it matters
Key Takeaways


Impact on AI ethics and responsible development
Key Takeaways


4 out of 5
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Enrolled: 33 students
Duration: 10 hours
Lectures: 9
Video: 9 hours
Level: Advanced


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


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